COSA Mile High Youth Corps Hiring for Rainbow Affinity Crew

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community!

Do you know young people that are passionate about creating positive change?

Do you know young people who aren’t sure what their next steps are?

Or do you know young people who just need a job that pays a living wage?

Then I have great news! Mile High Youth Corps is hiring a Rainbow Affinity Crew for our Fall Forestry Land Conservation season!

The Rainbow Affinity Crew is for LGBTQIA+ identifying participants (called Corpsmembers) to explore the natural resource management field, gain experience, and acquire technical skills in a safe and supportive environment. LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more.

Inclusivity is a core value at MHYC, and the Rainbow Crew embodies this value by helping to create a safe community for people of all types of sexuality and gender identities. Aligning with the strategic priorities of the major federal land management agencies, our goal is to promote a more inclusive public lands workforce informed by diverse perspectives and voices. This crew will be led and supported by Crew Leaders and staff that identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and be provided with educational opportunities aimed at further understanding and exploring historically marginalized identities.

The Rainbow Affinity Crew is part of a team-based, 10 week-long Fall Forestry Program. The crew will complete sawyer project on public lands throughout the Southern Front Range region. Corpsmembers on a sawyer crew operate chainsaws on invasive tree removal and wildland fire mitigation projects. They receive First-Aid/CPR and S-212 Wildland Fire Chainsaws certifications. Some sawyers will have the opportunity to receive pesticide application training. The use of pesticide is common on invasive tree removal projects.

Corpsmembers will be enrolled in AmeriCorps—a national community service program. No experience is required! We will provide you with hands-on training related to all projects.

See attached position description for more details.

To apply: Visit and click “Apply Now”

Email Lalita Martin (she/her) lalitam with questions, or call (719) 822-6047.

Thank you for your consideration!

Tierni Chun (she/her)

Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator | Mile High Youth Corps

Cell: (719) 822-3237

Office: (719) 630-7421

417 E Vermijo Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

2023 Rainbow Crew Fall Forestry Corpsmember Colorado Springs.docx