COSA Job Opening at Jefferson County Open Space: Full-time Natural Resourc es Specialist (Inventory/Monitoring)

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA Community–

The Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) Natural Resources team is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for a full-time Natural Resources Specialist to support our Inventory & Monitoring program. This position will assist with inventory and monitoring vegetation resources on JCOS parks and properties. The position will focus on identifying native and nonnative species, locating and monitoring rare plants, mapping and recognizing plant communities, monitoring vegetation and ecological restoration projects, collecting/planting native species, using GIS software, and disseminating natural resource data and information for resource management plans and public facing documents.

The job announcement can be found here :–Inventory-Monitoring-_R-6311. Please feel free to pass along this announcement to anyone who may be interested. Please not that the position will close on 11/2/23.


Anthony Massaro, CERP

Natural Resources Senior Specialist – Plant Ecology

o 303.271.5927 | c 970.389.3684 |