COSA The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute is HIRING

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University is now accepting applications for a full-time salaried Research Associate IV position;

  • Program Manager, Collaborative Wildfire Resilience Decision Support. Please visit for more info, or see the position description here.

Collaborative Wildfire Resilience Decision Support:

Position Summary: The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) at Colorado State University is seeking applications for a Research IV Program Manager position to contribute intellectual and implementation leadership for a multi-year transdisciplinary applied research project aimed at advancing collaborative governance approaches that promote the resilience of forested landscapes to wildfire and related compounding stressors in the U.S.

CFRI, as part of the Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI), has received funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (the “Act”) enacted in 2021 to carry out a five-year program of work to strengthen collaborative governance processes among governmental, non-governmental and community-based entities engaged in forest wildfire risk management in the U.S. The Act specifically directs the SWERI to leverage their established role and expertise as boundary-spanners to facilitate the coordination and use of currently available geospatial data platforms and products in multi-stakeholder collaborative wildfire risk management governance processes in ways that complement and supplement the diversity of locally-relevant knowledge held by, and available to, managers, stakeholders and policy makers across spatial scales.

The successful candidate will lead a work group to translate the SWERI provision in the Act into actions, products and performance using a boundary-spanning, transdisciplinary research approach that engages managers, stakeholders and policy-makers involved in collaborative forest wildfire risk management as coproducers and users of knowledge. Specifically, the successful incumbent will lead applications of social science research methods and knowledge throughout the co-production process with stakeholders.

To Apply: We will begin reviewing applications on October 19, 2023, and will continue to review applications until a suitable candidate is found. Please submit all application materials online at Required documents to apply: Cover letter addressing qualifications, resume, unofficial transcript, and contact information for three professional references. References will not be contacted without prior notification of candidates.


Brooke Simmons


Research Coordinator

Colorado Forest Restoration Institute

CFRI Program Manager Collaborative Wildfire Resilience_POSTED.pdf