COSA OneCanopy is hiring – Nursery Technician

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

OneCanopy is hiring a full time, permanent Nursery Technician position! This is a fully benefited entry level position with no education requirements with an anticipated start date in early 2024. Those committed to growing a career in forestry, natural resources, conservation, and ecological restoration are encouraged to apply.

OneCanopy is a privately funded conservation nursery in Loveland, growing native trees, shrubs, and other plant material for conservation efforts throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. The Nursery Technician will assist the Production Supervisor in growing and maintaining the health of our plants and property.

Please see attached document for more information and application link!

Thank you,


Katelynn Martinez, Director of Operations and Business Development

Nursery: 2880 14th St SE, Loveland, CO 80537
Mailing: 3528 Precision Drive, Unit 100, Fort Collins, 80528

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Nursery Technician Job Posting 11.23.pdf