COSA Youth Career Fair – Call for Presenters!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hi there!

Are you looking to connect with talented young people to fill your internships, jobs, or summer positions? My organization, Cottonwood Institute, is partnering with Environmental Learning for Kids to host an outdoor and environmental career fair for diverse young people ages 15-24 from the greater Denver Metro area.

We’re looking for outdoor and environmental organizations to host career fair booths from 12:15-1:45 PM on March 9th at the ELK Building in Denver. During the fair, you can connect with highly motivated students, share more about your upcoming jobs and internships– you can even have folks apply or hire them on the spot!

Please spread the word and fill out this form (or respond to this email) if you’re interested and we’ll follow up with more information!

Thanks so much,

Youth Outdoor & Environmental Career Fair – Call for Presenters.pdf