COSA MS degree position at CSU: Justice in Colorado Post-fire Restoration Projects

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Justice in Colorado Post-fire Restoration Projects
A Masters-level graduate student is requested to help with a collaborative research project that combines wildfire, social science and geospatial research methods starting in Fall 2024 at Colorado State University.

The student researcher will combine quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the effectiveness of post-fire restoration efforts in Colorado over the past 10 years using a justice lens. The work will involve GIS mapping and database compilation of post-fire impacts to water supply systems, stakeholder mapping, document analysis and community-based interviews with water utilities, watershed coalitions and other stakeholders. Field work for collection of qualitative data (e.g., interviews) will be conducted primarily during the summer of 2025.

Application details: Apply by April 17th, 2024, for full consideration.

Please see the attached full position description or posting here for more info about the project and how to apply.

Any questions can be addressed to Dr. Tamee Albrecht (

Research Partner, Justice in Colorado Post-fire Restoration Projects

Brett Wolk (he/him)
Assistant Director, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Colorado State University
(970) 491-8055

Masters level Research Assistant_Post-fire restoration and justice_CSU.pdf