COSA National Association of Interpretation Young Professionals Section In terest


This email aims to reach young professionals in the interpretation field, looking to strengthen their network through participation in the National Association of Interpretation’s Young Professionals Section, being proposed to the NAI Board in May. The Young Professionals Section aims to serve as a communal space for networking, idea sharing, resume building, etc. for young professionals in the field. Please see the Young Professionals Section purpose statement below, and fill out the attached form if you would like to show support for the section and/or have interest in becoming a member. Thank you and take care!

Young Professional interpreters are the interpreters of the present and future, thus an important part of NAI and its long term membership, leadership, and overall sustainability of the organization. The purpose of the Young Professionals Section is to build an international network to support young interpreters through connections, leadership opportunities, mentorship, and professional development. As a section we aim to connect, inspire, promote, and support young professionals both in their individual work and within the organization.



Lauren Hennessey


Environmental Education Specialist

Natural Areas Department

City of Fort Collins

Office mobile number: (970) 416-8009