COSA Part-Time Administrator needed for Landscaping with CO Native Plants Conference

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference planning committee is seeking an

experienced administrator to:

● Organize and run the annual conference (which currently alternates between virtual and


● Organize and run the conference planning process

● Consolidate information and records related to the conference

● Coordinate with the conference’s fiscal sponsor

● Handle other aspects of year-to-year support of the conference

This is a remote position: the administrator must have a home office with reliable internet. This

position begins ASAP and runs year-round.

For more information, see attached posting.

Amy Yarger

Senior Director of Horticulture
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Schedule: Sundays-Thursdays, 4 am – 2 pm

Butterfly Pavilion
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80020

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I acknowledge that I live, work, and learn on the traditional lands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Lakota, Utes, and other indigenous nations, whose traditional keepers stewarded and continue to steward this environment for time immemorial. With this statement, I offer respect to the ancestors and their living descendants.

LWCNP Part Time Administrator Job Announcement 9-7-23.docx.pdf