COSA City of Westminster Natural Resources Specialist

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

The City of Westminster is seeking a passionate and knowledgeable Open Space Natural Resource Specialist to lead the development and implementation of our Integrated Pest Management program for our Parks and Open Spaces. The successful candidate will play a vital role in preserving the health and biodiversity of Westminster’s ecosystems by managing invasive species, safeguarding native habitats and minimizing pest impacts. They will also work with our maintenance and restoration teams to complete various improvements within our parks and open space systems. For questions, please reach out to Spencer Thompson at sthompso or see posting.

Natural Resources Specialist | Job Details tab | Career Pages

Spencer Thompson
Open Space Foreperson
City of Westminster | Open Space | 303.658.2288
4800 West 92nd Avenue, Westminster, CO 80031