COSA Seasonal Boulder County Forestry Positions

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Greetings COSA Community!

We are excited to announce 2 jobs with the Boulder County Parks & Open Space Forestry and Fire Team.

We have 3 openings for Seasonal Forestry Technicians. These positions will perform a variety of duties within our program. Closing Date is 3/7/21.

Operations Position (1) will assist with all forestry operations related tasks, including directional tree felling, skidding, forwarding, processing, and transport of woody biomass through the use of chainsaws and various forestry related heavy equipment, trucks, and trailers. This position is approximately a 9 month position.

Our Sort Yard Positions (2) will run one of our two mountain located Community Forestry Sort Yards. These positions are approximately 7 month positions.

We also hope to have two additional Forestry Planning positions (2) that will help with data collection, project planning, project management, and possibly prescribed fire (depends on training). These positions have yet to be posted but should be available shortly.

Please pass this along to someone you think would be a good fit.


The BCPOS Forestry and Fire Team

Stefan Reinold, MS, CF

Senior Forestry Resource Specialist

Boulder County Parks and Open Space

Office 303 678 6202 Cell 970 214 7677