COSA Seasonal Biologist Job Postings – Colorado Parks and Wildlife Resourc e Stewardship Program

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Resource Stewardship Program is seeking motivated natural resource professionals to contribute to statewide conservation efforts on Colorado’s State Parks. Applications are now being accepted. Our seasonal technician position openings include:

CPW Seasonal Biologist – Denver/Grand Junction

CPW Seasonal Biologist – Grand Junction

CPW Seasonal Biologist/Vegetation Mapping – Denver/Grand Junction

CPW Seasonal Biologist/Raptor Monitoring – Denver

HOW TO APPLY – Applications may be filed online at:

Members of the CPW Resource Stewardship Team have the opportunity to see projects from start to finish including field data collection, data management, map making, report writing and plan implementation. These opportunities include travel for work across the state park system.

Please share with anyone who might be interested in these opportunities

Thank you!

Jeff Thompson
Resource Stewardship Program Coordinator


P 303.242.1375
711 Independent Ave, Grand Junction CO 81505
Jeff.Thompson |