COSA Call for Presentations due June 30 – Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Virtual Conference

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2023 Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Virtual Conference

Call for Presentations

On February 25, 2023, the Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference will offer a full day of educational programming promoting the cultivation and maintenance of native plants in the landscape. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. David Inouye, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biology at the University of Maryland. This virtual conference reaches over 700 attendees, including home gardeners, students, horticulturists, growers, parks departments and land managers.

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference planning committee is now accepting session proposals for the 2023 event. The conference theme is Native Landscapes for Climate Resilience, and preference will be made towards sessions that offer applicable solutions for water and energy conservation and biodiversity using Colorado native plants.

If you have expertise with designing, growing or maintaining native landscapes and would like to be considered as a Conference speaker, please send proposals to lwcnpconference by June 30, 2022. The Conference team is looking for engaging speakers that offer information and inspiration that attendees can put into practice. Please feel free to share this Call for Presentations to other native plant experts within your network.

Proposals should be sent as an email attachment in MS Word and include:

  • Presenter contact information, bio and photo (for conference website)
  • Presentation title
  • Abstract (maximum of 75 words) – summary of what the presentation will cover
  • Three learning objectives – What do you expect attendees to learn from your presentation?
  • Audience– New to Natives or Knows the Natives
  • Format – presentation, panel or demonstration

The conference is comprised of 2 tracks: New to Natives and Knows the Natives. New to Natives presentations are geared to a general audience who are just getting started on native landscapes. Knows the Natives sessions should presume a strong background in species knowledge as well as experience with managing native landscapes. All sessions are 50 minutes long, including Q&A. Sessions may include video, panel discussions, demonstrations and presentations. For examples of previous programs, please visit the Conference website:

The planning committee will review and score all proposals and notify selected speakers no later than July 31, 2022. Priority will be given to proposals from members of underrepresented groups and to those who have not previously presented at the Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference.

Speakers invited to present at the 2023 Conference will receive a small stipend and complimentary Conference registration.

For questions about this Call for Presentations and about the Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference, please contact lwcnpconference

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference promotes the inclusion of native plants in our landscaping to benefit pollinators and songbirds, save water, and restore the beauty and health of nature in the places we live, work and play.

While we recommend the use of straight species and local ecotypes wherever possible, we support the use of varieties and cultivars of native species as long as their breeding doesn’t interfere with their ability to function in nature and maintain key relationships with pollinators and other lives.

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference is brought to you by a coalition of partner organizations: Butterfly Pavilion, Colorado State University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Colorado State University Extension, Colorado Native Plant Master Program®, Colorado Native Plant Society, Denver Botanic Gardens, Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, High Plains Environmental Center and Susan J Tweit, author.

Amy Yarger

Horticulture Director
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers*

Butterfly Pavilion
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80020

I acknowledge that I live, work, and play on the traditional lands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Lakota, Utes, and other indigenous nations, whose traditional keepers stewarded this environment for hundreds of generations. With this statement, I offer respect to the ancestors and their living descendants.

* Sharing your pronouns and checking with others about what pronouns they use helps build welcoming spaces for transgender and gender diverse people.