Hello COSA friends and colleagues,
I hope this finds you well and heading into a relaxing holiday!
CSU Extension in Jefferson County is looking for a Natural Resources Specialist. Please see the link below for more information:
09-24 Extension County Specialist, Natural Resources, Jefferson County (CSU)
This position will provide leadership and guidance in the development, delivery and evaluation of Extension Natural Resources programs including areas like Native Plant Master, Naturalist (extension program in development), wildlife, wildlife conflict, wildfire, fire mitigation, ignition resistant landscaping, native plant education, water, small acreage management, and invasive species programs for adults and youth in Jefferson County. The individual will work well in a team environment using strong verbal and written communication skills to develop relationships with staff, customers, and partners, and to address common natural resource issues. The individual will work cooperatively with Jefferson County Open Space, other Extension agents, coordinators, specialists, and partners to develop and deliver quality programming and information to Coloradans. CSU Extension, Jefferson County is a collaborative work environment in which we support programs and initiatives to serve the community. The individual in this position works as a member of a county team, is a local representative of Colorado State University and Jefferson County and works under the guidance of the Extension Director for Jefferson County.
Happy holidays!
Kerri Rollins
Regional Director, Front Range Region
Office of Engagement and Extension | Colorado State University
Address. 4040 Campus Delivery, 1311 S College Ave. | Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone: (970) 491-1905 Cell: (970) 231-9365
Email: Kerri.Rollins@colostate.edu
An equal access and equal opportunity University. https://col.st/ll0t3
discrimination. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating.